Monday, February 2, 2009

One Quick Update...

I was surfing the web Drunk one night at home, Flipping endlessly through data. I found some highly controversial release dates on a relatively obscure low profile website.

This is what I found...

Earthbound 2Q 2009
Majoras Mask 3Q 2009.

Regard this as a rumor folks. Just pure speculation....
More to come...

And for your enjoyment...


Mostly Authored by my sick mind :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Super Smash Bro's 64 Prediction

Captains Log...
Star date....
Third age middle earth....
More like Sunday,January 18.

Besides giving numerous sponge baths to Stephen hawking flappy body for lucrative mathematical favors, I been doing a bit of research on the unpredictable Virtual Console Release Calender.

Thanks Stephen for the work, and I will remember that lotion you like-love you too- Hawking's can't do handshakes, so I represent like, input###heart##R%tr* Hippie*#

To come down to the story, according to my prediction mathematical calculating device that conveniently stores Twinkies and a juicy juice, to my selection, I theorize that Super Smash Bros. 64 will indeed be out by the end of the month along side the Japanese release later this month.

There is a slight room for marginal error, if it does not come out this January of this 365 day cycle, it most likely to be out by the beginning of February at least.


Captains log out...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tropic Tunder: My Review!

Tropic Thunder is truly a comedy like no other which I admire for It's individuality. This film's very sole reason for existence is to make fun of Hollywood and the way it does business. That alone is well worth the ticket price even if it was bad. Was it?To tell you the truth, I liked it. For several reasons.

First aspect I like was the characters. Robert downy Jr. plays a Australian actor who happens to undergo surgery to become a African American. This character sort of reminds me of a middle aged Bill Cosby with a slightly deeper voice. But not by much.

Second aspect is the humor. It's goofy with a pinch of morbidly dark humor. It's not that dark like south park and Christopher reeves sucking the stem cells out of fetuses. Or should I say, it's no clerks 2. But expect some of it to be a tad fucked up.

Anyhow, It was a good movie, and I recommend anybody with a general sense of humor should see. Only negative to bring to the plate is the films drags midway into the film. But rest assured, It will definably pick up. The end is a good part indeed.

Rating: ***1/2

Friday, August 15, 2008

The News Can Be Violent

Have you ever wondered why the daily news can be outright violent? Am I the only one, the personally See's the news more as a circus show, or visual entertainment, other than simply informing us? Why can't the news be more straight foreword, rather than utilized subliminal scare tactics, and overly dramatic words to convey a event?

Why? That is where the money is. People prefer the news to be perverse entertainment covering Death, destruction, chaos, sex, drugs, and constantly reminding scared mother's about potential pedophiles and ways they can get a chance to molest their daughters or sons. People are really attracted to bad News and the American audiences who love the news can be considered somewhat masochists.

And you know what's really fucked up, the Media loved 9/11. Because the more powerful the disaster, the more money they make from sponsors. During the events of a disaster, media outlets across the globe go into a all out coverage war. The winner, which covered more of that specific event gets more sponsors.

I have made a lot of controversial statements. But there is some truth to what I have said even if you are not aware of the specific dangers of the news. I dare you to watch the news tonight, local preferably, and count how much violent descriptive language and creepy images you seen. Then determine if you want to let a four year old watch the news. Or read this CNN News Story.

This brought tears to my eyes.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Iwata for Apologizes poor E3

Yes he did apologize. He is truly a remarkable business man and a great president. Reggie, on the other hand, lied to us. The IGN interview with cammie,the NOA evp of sales, was just plain damage control.

By the way, I remember Reggie saying something to the effect of...

"There's gonna be a big game for the holiday that the gamers will want," he said. "All I can tell you is what we announce during E3 is gonna be fantastic. The gamer is gonna be excited and the expanded audience is gonna be excited."-Reggie Fils Aime

What title are you talking about? Wii sports 2? Wii Music? That is not a core game for gamers. They are casual titles for people who do not want to think to much. Games some people call Mind Rot.

I am done bashing reggie. He has enough on his mind. Rabid earthbound fan, Pissed off gamers, critisim from the media, and more. Reggie, do you think it is time to bring over Mother 3? Or maybe upload Earthbound to the VC server?

If he's reading this, he is probably sadistically laughing while burning the last super nintendo copies of earthbound. Shame on you Nintendo, Shame on You!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

E3 Announcements & More!

E3 has came and left us this week but left fans hungering for more. Sony show was good and Nintendo's was not slightly amusing. I feel that Nintendo is giving more to casual game fans and less to hardcore players. This deals a serious blow to Nintendo's hardcore gamers. There is no need to fear.

I feel that Nintendo is just taking advantage of the market shift. More and more Mothers to grandfathers all over the world are getting into Nintendo. To Nintendo, hardcore genre fans are slipping into the fray. But this does not mean Nintendo has forgotten us. No way in hell.

I will make some daring predictions why this e3 shown more casual games. Here it goes...

1. Kid Icarus did not have enough development time. It needs to be cooked more to be really appreciated.
2. They started developing the New Zelda two months before e3. Most likely, still in post production.
3. Nintendo is not letting go of all their cards until the Wii sees a sales drought.

Number 3 is the most likely of them to be true. Nintendo has a lot of things planned. If they had revealed them all, that would be very retarded thing to do. In Nintendo's fan based market, You have to leave the consumer wanting more. If you reveal everything too soon, this leads people to lose interest in their investment down the line. No butts, this has been proven in market studies.

Another thing besides e3. Itoi, the earthbound creator is up to something it seems. Take a look at this web cam live from Itoi's studio break room. *SATURN CAM*

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mother 3 's Translation Progress

It has been over two year's since Tomato and friends decided they were up to translating Mother 3. Reflecting back at those two years, I could not help to wonder how hard this task possibly was. The team ran into problems, some major, some deemed impossible. In the end, they ran victorious.

One thing I do admire about the translation team is that they never lost their focus, they always had the goal within their minds. Never for a moment, they lost faith. This my friend, is a truly a rarity amongst small translations, or possibly any small production effort.

I am proud to announce, they are done the hardest ROM hacking, and as of now, Draft 2 is 91% complete. One more draft to go, and lost of in house game testing as well. Great job tomato, and friends, you making earthbound fans ultimate dream finally come a reality!

Retro Hippie