Monday, February 2, 2009

One Quick Update...

I was surfing the web Drunk one night at home, Flipping endlessly through data. I found some highly controversial release dates on a relatively obscure low profile website.

This is what I found...

Earthbound 2Q 2009
Majoras Mask 3Q 2009.

Regard this as a rumor folks. Just pure speculation....
More to come...

And for your enjoyment...


Mostly Authored by my sick mind :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Super Smash Bro's 64 Prediction

Captains Log...
Star date....
Third age middle earth....
More like Sunday,January 18.

Besides giving numerous sponge baths to Stephen hawking flappy body for lucrative mathematical favors, I been doing a bit of research on the unpredictable Virtual Console Release Calender.

Thanks Stephen for the work, and I will remember that lotion you like-love you too- Hawking's can't do handshakes, so I represent like, input###heart##R%tr* Hippie*#

To come down to the story, according to my prediction mathematical calculating device that conveniently stores Twinkies and a juicy juice, to my selection, I theorize that Super Smash Bros. 64 will indeed be out by the end of the month along side the Japanese release later this month.

There is a slight room for marginal error, if it does not come out this January of this 365 day cycle, it most likely to be out by the beginning of February at least.


Captains log out...