Monday, July 14, 2008

Mother 3 's Translation Progress

It has been over two year's since Tomato and friends decided they were up to translating Mother 3. Reflecting back at those two years, I could not help to wonder how hard this task possibly was. The team ran into problems, some major, some deemed impossible. In the end, they ran victorious.

One thing I do admire about the translation team is that they never lost their focus, they always had the goal within their minds. Never for a moment, they lost faith. This my friend, is a truly a rarity amongst small translations, or possibly any small production effort.

I am proud to announce, they are done the hardest ROM hacking, and as of now, Draft 2 is 91% complete. One more draft to go, and lost of in house game testing as well. Great job tomato, and friends, you making earthbound fans ultimate dream finally come a reality!

Retro Hippie

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